PHYSICIANS now have access to pharmaceutical product data in an intellgent, natural way.

Until now, physicians have had to hunt through antiquated websites, unfortunately, not focused on user experience, to get pharmaceutical product data they need to treat their patients.


  • Costs hours to research - and increase staff and physician administrative burden.

  • Directly affects patient care.

  • Always concerned about data accuracy and relevance to their specific issue.

Not anymore. Enter GENIUS. A complete physician AI-powered drug assistant that:

  • Includes the most advanced global data of every FDA drug (100k+ labels).

  • Directly trained on physician’s clinical EHR.

  • Instantly understand pharmacology, adverse effects, conditions, contraindications, black-box warnings, drug allergies, and drug-drug interactions.

True top-of-the-mind effect - because the relevant data is provided - at the time and - at the location where it’s needed.

GENIUS’ AI ALSO helps with the exhaustive burden of prior authorization

“Prior authorization has in fact interfered with a patient’s job responsibilities, according to a majority of physicians (51%) who participated in a newly released AMA survey (PDF) of 1,004 physicians who treat active members of the workforce.

“Health insurance companies entice employers with claims that prior authorization requirements keep health care costs in check, but often these promises obscure the full consequences on an employer’s bottom line or employees’ well-being,” said AMA President Gerald E. Harmon, MD.

While health insurers tout prior authorization as a cost-saving measure, the AMA survey of 1,004 physicians conducted in December 2023 found that it can lead to absenteeism and a less productive workforce.

“Benefit plans with excessive authorization controls create serious problems for employers when delayed, denied or abandoned care harms the health of employees and results in missed workdays, lost productivity and other costs,” said Dr. Harmon, a family physician in South Carolina.”

AMA’s Reform Initiatives

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More than one-third (34%) of physicians reported that prior authorization led to a serious adverse event. This includes hospitalization (24%), and disability or even death (8%) for a patient in their care.

Meanwhile, 30% of physicians reported that prior authorization criteria are rarely or never evidence-based, with 91% saying prior authorization has a somewhat or significant negative impact on patients’ clinical outcomes.

Source: AMA

“Real-world-evidence capabilities have advanced and scaled, with a massive proliferation of new types of data to support existing treatments. In the clinic, healthcare practitioners (HCPs) and patients have access to 75 percent more assets per indication than they did ten years ago. With more therapeutic options available, staying current with scientific literature and guidelines has become an overwhelming task for community and academic physicians.”

McKinsey, “A vision for medical affairs 2030”


your second brain

Physicians are provided with your product’s true insights at the clinic level - at their office.

GENIUS —the natural language AI agent that connects to your drug-specific data in seconds.

Paired with our intuitive data modeling dashboard, GENIUS makes it easy to access clinical information, ask questions, and get the correct answers - all naturally and at the time of need so that doctors can make informed patient decisions. No more hours of research and wasting time hunting for answers.

GENIUS is a true self-serve platform with a complete repository of product-specific domain knowledge.

Available 24/7.

See how AI can transform the relationship between pharma and physicians